The entire Mentorship is based on 2 Pillars
Pillar 1. Conversions (it includes below things)
- Listing optimization to improve your organic traffic
- 7-Step Images Designing System
- Premium Proven A+ content
Pillar 2 - Traffic (Amazon Ads)
- Amazon Advertising Fundamentals
- Amazon Advertising System, Strategies & Framework to consistently grow your Sales - Weekly Amazon Ads optimization to reduce your Acos
In terms of how it is fulfilled, you will get 4 things from the US
1. Systems: LMS (Learning Management system) access to our program with pre-recorded videos, systems and strategies to Implement (Lifetime access)
2. Live Mentorship calls - 1x Week MC for 6 months.
3. Support: Beyond the MC, if you need any further help, you will have a dedicated support channel via Email directly to me and my fulfillment team to help you solve your queries and review your work if needed. The response time on this is approximately 24 hours.
4. Whatsapp Community: Access to best Class 1% Sellers/Brands in entire India Using our framework and crushing it on Amazon for 6 months